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RCAC Cadets Learn To Build a Swedish Torch

During clubs on Wednesday the Gold Star Cadets of our RCAC Cadet Corps, Bernard Chrapko-Welke and Wyatt Kinsella, along with civilian volunteer Duncan Larmer (Duncan aged out of the Cadets Corps program but remains a committed member), completed Swedish Torches.

A Swedish torch is made from a cut log about 18 inches long, 8-10 inches in diameter. Students then split into four pieces and completed the cuts to create the torch. Each piece has about 2/3’s cut out so that as the pieces are put back together there is a shelf at the bottom and a chimney to the top. An airhole is cut just above the shelf.

Once the student fitted the four pieces together and secured them with thin wire, they added tinder & kindling in the chimney and lit a fire. The fire is fed more kindling through the top and airhole.

With the fire burning well, small flat rocks were placed on top to support a cooking pot that allows the hot air to escape under the pot through the chimney. As the inside of the log catches fire from the kindling, the flames shoot up onto the bottom of the pot heating it very quickly.

The three students skillfully completed the building of the Swedish torch and were able to heat a pot. 

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