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Not your fault. It’s your choice

Captain Andrew Guy, Athletic Director – There’s an old saying that says the only way to really know a person is to walk a mile in their shoes. Now, one could only imagine that walking a mile in someone else’s shoe is only a metaphor to help you understand the premise that no two people are alike, and while we may share in the commonality of humanity, we are completely separated by our thinking and the power of choice. 

It is crucial that we understand that while opportunities exist in abundance, our outlook on life (be it optimistic or pessimistic) usually dictates the realities of those opportunities. One who has a poor sense of self reduces how much s/he sees, but he who has a panoramic expectation will see the world and all its opportunities in a totally different light.  You either see limitations or opportunities.

Imagine going into a department store, and there is a plethora of items to choose from but you only desire to purchase two of those items. The multiple items represent all the opportunities we encounter every day, while your desire to purchase only two items is a metaphor for the choices we must make. I hope you are making the connections here. So far, we have discussed opportunities, options/choices, but there’s still one important part of the puzzle that is missing. Any idea what that could be? …Gave up? Well, let me help you. Regardless of the number of opportunities that come your way, and the many choices you must make, everything we do boils down to one thing… decision. Yes, decision is our magic wand that changes everything. 

Consider the world of sports and the many options you could participate in. Now, let’s choose one, basketball, for example. In the game of basketball, you will have many opportunities to pass, shoot, or dribble the ball. It is your decision to exercise one or all the options at any given time during the game that determines if you win or lose. The question that we should be asking ourselves is this: Are we winning at living or losing at life? And how do we equate the outcome of winning or losing…? As you think about the sequences of events that occur daily, always remember that your outlook on life, your worldview and your attitude towards people is crucial to your ability to exercise your power of choice. 

Sometimes we blame others for our misfortunes, but the reality is that we seldom ponder the magical question of “HOW DID I GET HERE?” My answer to this simple but profound question is that somewhere along the way, choice got you there! Whatever happens for you is not your fault, it’s a matter of choice.  Imagine the process of thinking were tools in a toolbox.  Options are your negating tools, and choice is your willingness to participate, but decisions determine your destiny. Whether you choose to walk in someone else’ shoe or your own, it does not matter how you start in life, but where you end up in living is not your fault…It’s Your Choice. Choose wisely!

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