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Growing the scholarship fund to help more families

Sarah Whitaker Advancement Officer – Currently the Academy, a registered charity, is raising funds to upgrade our athletic fields in support of the school’s physical education program, which is a vital part of the overall Robert Land Academy (RLA) program.

We also raise funds each year for the Founder’s Scholarship Fund. This fund allows us to offer small scholarships to those parents unable to afford the full tuition.

The Academy wants to be able to help every family who requires our services. In the current economy, with high inflation and a recession on the horizon, it will be increasingly more difficult for families to afford the tuition to send their son to the Academy.

Currently the school’s scholarship fund does not have the funds needed to provide scholarships. Our goal is to grow the fund to a point where it can be successful annually.

To achieve that goal we need the help of parents and alumni who have experience first hand the difference RLA can make in a young man’s life.

Specifically, I’m asking you to make a donation to the Founder’s Scholarship Fund so we can make a difference in more young men’s lives.

A long term goal is to secure a donor who will fund a scholarship annually for a student who will benefit from RLA.

Visit to donate to the Founder’s Scholarship Fund or to support the signature campaign to upgrade our sports fields.

All donations to the school are warmly appreciated and eligible for a charitable tax receipt.

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